All the World's a Stage, Act for Change

Comments on art, politics, and science.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Halliburton: Texas to Dubai

Remember Halliburton, the company who recieved billions of US government dollars in no-bid contracts to go overcharge US soldiers for food and gas in Iraq? Do you think this company whom the US trusted, via its subsidiary KBR, to wash soldier's clothes and latrines would be grateful to the government, or at least to former CEO Dick Cheney, and maintain its corporate headquarters in the US and paying US taxes?
Well, Halliburton is shifting its HQ from Texas to Dubai.


  • At 3:53 PM, Blogger pedro velasquez said…

    Halliburton is bet basketball at the forefront of a method for extracting oil and natural gas--a process called "horizontal hydrolic fracturing" and also sportsbook known as hydrofracking which involves injecting a high volume of toxic substances and drinkable water into the earth This method raises serious environmental and health concerns. In New Mexico, for example, march madness similar processes have leached toxic chemicals into the water table at 800 sites. This controversial method of extraction is planned for widespread use in New York and other mid-Atlantic states to extract natural gas from the Marcellus Shale formation.


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